We never forget that all people have rights, that successful individuals are not the enemy of our society but rather its great allies, and we know that for a person or company facing a white collar criminal investigation or prosecution, the potential consequences can be nothing short of catastrophic.
We Know What You’re Going Through
A white collar criminal investigation can threaten and destroy the life, family, reputation, wealth and livelihood of a person or company suspected of committing an offense – even if no charges are ever filed.
A blindsiding story in the newspapers or online can send a company’s stock tumbling, its value crashing, its employees reeling, its competitors smelling blood in the water, and its customers considering taking their business elsewhere. For individuals suspected of a white collar offense, the first whiff of trouble can threaten a spotless reputation, and cause humiliation and degradation before one’s peers, colleagues, family and community. Questions are suddenly raised about your integrity, your life’s work, and your very word. And in the middle of the storm is you, our firm’s client. We know what you’re going through, and we’re here to help. At the Meister Law Offices, we have years of experience serving both as your safe harbor, and as your highly skilled and capable response on both defense and offense, in fighting your case. Whether a matter is federal in nature, and handled by special prosecutors from Washington DC who self-righteously view you as their next victim, or is in the hands of local prosecutors who want to make a name for themselves by playing the feds’ game, you know what it feels like when they set their sights on you and all you’ve worked so hard to build.
“A white collar criminal investigation can threaten and destroy the life, family, reputation, wealth and livelihood of a person or company suspected of committing an offense – even if no charges are ever filed.”
It is critical not to let a government bureaucracy gain even a foothold in its destructive efforts against you. Prosecutors of alleged white collar offenders often count on the defendant’s or suspect’s acquiescing and caving in to fear, when the stakes are high. And the temptation to give in quickly can be great, especially when your family is desperate for resolution and the media may be following the case and broadcasting all the details to an audience hungry for gossip and personal information about you. Don’t give your adversaries the victory they crave. Fight back, with us at your side, to assert all your rights, demand that the government protect and uphold your rights as well as its own, ensure fair treatment in the courts, work closely with you to manage media issues, coordinate with your in-house counsel or business lawyer and other members of your team, to ensure a favorable outcome and the availability of the future you want for yourself, your loved ones and your business. Call the experienced white collar criminal defense attorneys of the Meister Law Offices at 213.293.3737 to learn how we can help.
Meister Law. Experienced, Effective Counsel.
If you suspect that you or someone close to you is a target, subject or witness in a federal investigation, get help right now, by calling the Meister Law Offices for a free consultation with a federal criminal defense attorney.