Be it an indictment, a search warrant, a grand jury subpoena, or even a knock on the door from an FBI agent wanting to chat, any federal law enforcement interest in you is an enormously serious thing and must be treated that way from the outset, by you and your federal criminal defense lawyer.The federal government has enormous investigative and prosecutorial power, as anyone who has come under federal criminal scrutiny can attest.
Steve Meister has effectively and successfully defended clients charged in federal court with these and other offenses.
The scope and sweep of federal criminal law is very broad, covering everything from RICO violations (the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, invoked to combat organized crime), to insider trading, securities fraud, money laundering, Social Security fraud, Medicare fraud, mail and wire fraud, human trafficking, alien harboring and alien smuggling, child pornography and computer/Internet offenses, narcotics trafficking, tax crimes, violations of federal Acts covering endangered species, transportation, aviation, railroads and more.
“Be it an indictment, a search warrant, a grand jury subpoena, or even a knock on the door from an FBI agent wanting to chat, any federal law enforcement interest in you is an enormously serious thing and must be treated that way from the outset, by you and your federal criminal defense lawyer.”
While the specter of a federal investigation or prosecution can frighten and shake even the most hardy, the Meister Law Offices have years of experience and success defending both innocent and culpable individuals and companies before the federal courts, nationwide. As impersonal and highly formal as federal courts may seem to our clients, we have developed easy rapport with federal prosecutors around the country, to where we gain their cooperation in obtaining evidence and information relevant to our client’s defense, and in case we need to call on them for help in holding law enforcement agents to account. We have received high praise from the judges before whom we have appeared, for our competence, knowledge, caring and aggressive defense, high ethical standards, and courtroom savvy.
If it will help your case and be what you need, we unhesitatingly and fully engage, we do not scare or back down, and will not idly permit the U.S. Government to wreak havoc on your life, your family, your business, your reputation and your future. Our extensive experience in federal courts around the nation will instantly arm you with knowledge, envelop you in the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and will stop the federal government from exercising its great powers unchecked.
When You Have To Fight, You Fight, and You Fight to Win
Meister Law. Experienced, Effective Counsel.
If you suspect that you or someone close to you is a target, subject or witness in a federal investigation, get help right now, by calling the Meister Law Offices for a free consultation with a federal criminal defense attorney.