DUI enforcement is a major law enforcement priority nationwide, and today with many people arrested for driving under the suspected influence of prescription drugs or of marijuana, the priority for law enforcement is even higher. If you are arrested for DUI, you are facing a giant, complex, multifaceted wall of opposition from the law, the courts, and DMV, and having the best DUI defense attorney at your side has to be your top priority.
A Court Conviction Will Have Bad Ripple Effects
Steve Meister has defended numerous DUI cases and he lectures nationally to other defense lawyers on how to fight a DUI case and win at the DMV.
A DUI arrest is a terrible thing for anyone who experiences it. It is extremely upsetting, embarrassing, disruptive, incredibly inconvenient, and is enough to leave even the most law abiding individual badly shaken and severely distressed. Anyone who this has happened to remembers exactly how they felt when they saw the police car’s lightbar activate behind them on the road; they remember that they didn’t feel impaired behind the wheel, that the officer seemed convinced from the get-go that the driver was guilty; they remember the fear and isolation and powerlessness they felt while in jail waiting for bail or release; and now, they worry that a court conviction will have bad ripple effects in every area of life, and a suspended driver’s license will mean losing their job.
“A DUI arrest is a terrible thing for anyone who experiences it. It is extremely upsetting, embarrassing, disruptive, incredibly inconvenient, and is enough to leave even the most law abiding individual badly shaken and severely distressed.”
If this experience sounds familiar, it’s because we have represented good people like you in countless DUI cases throughout California. We know what you’re going through, and we know the worry you have for your ability to drive and to make a living if you can’t drive even for a short time. Depending on where you are prosecuted, a prosecutor might ask for jail time, substantial community service, Caltrans or other physical labor, counseling programs and other consequences, in addition to the thousands of dollars in fines and fees you would have to pay if convicted. In addition, anyone convicted of DUI in California will have to install an Ignition Interlock Device on their car, in order to drive. The consequences of a DUI conviction can be great, and costly, and inconvenient, and time consuming.
But every day, hundreds of people – some even with lawyers – plead guilty before they learn the facts, assess their defenses, and raise every argument they should.
Demanding Full Disclosure of Evidence
You don’t have to buckle under. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by fighting your DUI. Let the Meister Law Offices bring the fight to the prosecution, demanding full disclosure of evidence, attacking breath machine and blood test results, exploiting weaknesses in the police report, and not letting you fall prey to the temptation to plead guilty and get it over with, out of concern that a prosecutor or judge will punish you for standing up for yourself. They won’t, because we won’t let them.
DMV Hearings Were Meant For Fighting
As anyone arrested for DUI will also know, the court case is just half the problem. The other half is DMV. DMV hearings were meant for fighting; exercise your right to vigorously contest the DMV’s effort to take your license away. At the Meister Law Offices, we have a long record of success before the DMV on issues of faulty testing, suppression of evidence, lack of probable cause, test refusal issues, absorption and burnoff analysis, blood splits, “no driving” defenses, and other attacks. You need to drive, and to win before the DMV, you need lawyers who know what they’re doing and how to get you to victory. Steve Meister lectures nationally to other defense attorneys on DUI and DMV defense. The lawyer’s lawyer should be your lawyer, too, to help you fight DUI charges and keep your driver’s license.
Call us at 213-293-3737 for a free consultation.